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Protect your investments and generate sustainable value in volatile environments

Take your organization to the next level. Discover the obstacles and opportunities to protect your investments and generate sustainable value in increasingly volatile environments, promoting the resilience and transcendence of your company for the following generations.

Many leaders struggle to capitalize on their sustainability decisions due to a lack of analytics and strategy built into their operations.

Clientes que Confían en Nosotros

Grupo HAME
Grupo Secacao
Grupo Pantaleón
Arte Inmobiliario

Companies that lead in sustainability experience an increase in+10% in income, a+12.4% in profit, granting its shareholders aadditional return of +10.7%.

(Mckinsey, 2019)

DART Method: Our DART Method is a powerful tool that guides companies through a sequential and structured process to address sustainability challenges. Through Full Immersion, a deep understanding of the issues is achieved; the Analytical Breakdown guarantees decisions based on reliable data; the Intuitive Connection reveals hidden opportunities; and Agile Transfer equips organizations to act quickly.

DART method

Our DART method is a powerful tool that guides companies through a sequential and structured process to face sustainability challenges. Through Full Immersion (Discover), a deep understanding of the issues is achieved; the Analytical Breakdown (Analyze) guarantees decisions based on reliable data; the Intuitive Connection (Recognize) reveals hidden opportunities; and Agile Transfer (Transfer) equips organizations to act quickly.


This approach not only provides clarity in the chaos, but also effective strategies and impactful communication to lead in a competitive environment.

El método DART ha demostrado ser efectivo en situaciones críticas para aquellos que lo han adoptado





Our Model 
6C's of Sustainable Capital©

6C's Model of Sustainable Capital©: Our Model provides a comprehensive look at Sustainability considering Responsible Capital, Social Capital, Political Capital, Reputational Capital, as key factors to understand Sustainability.

Capital Responsable
Integridad y Sostenibilidad

Enfocamos nuestro expertise en fortalecer el compromiso empresarial hacia prácticas éticas y sostenibles, garantizando la adhesión a normativas y buenas prácticas.

Capital Reputacional
Comunicación y Reputación

Trabajamos en construir y proteger la reputación corporativa mediante acciones consistentes y comunicación transparente.

Capital Social
Vinculación y Relacionamiento

Apoyamos en la gestión efectiva del relacionamiento con actores clave para capitalizar relaciones positivas en continuidad operativa y licencia social para operar de su organización en el territorio.

Capital Adaptativo
Ciclo de Mejora Continua

Promovemos la adaptabilidad y aprendizaje continuo, asegurando una evolución constante alineada a estándares éticos y sostenibles.



Capital Político
Estrategia de Asuntos Públicos

Optimizamos la interacción empresarial en escenarios políticos e instituciones, construyendo relaciones saludables y anticipando dinámicas políticas que pueden influir en la organización.

Capital Sostenible, una Guía Aplicada para desarrollar una visión integral para proteger inversiones y agregar valor sostenible en entornos volátiles, desarrolla el Modelo 6C's del Capital Sostenible©: Nuestro Modelo aporta una mirada integral a la Sostenibilidad considerando el Capital Responsable, el Capital Social, el Capital Político, el Capital Reputacional, como factores clave para entender la Sostenibilidad.

Guía Aplicada de

Capital Sostenible

Descubra su "Capital Sostenible", una guía práctica para navegar en entornos empresariales volátiles con una visión integral de sostenibilidad. Este libro le ofrece estrategias y herramientas aplicables para fortalecer cada tipo de capital y asegurar un crecimiento sostenible. Es esencial para líderes y decision-makers que buscan una ventaja competitiva sostenible y resiliente. Aprenda a transformar desafíos en oportunidades y a posicionar su organización como referente en sostenibilidad.


Discover Opportunities

We begin by evaluating your current situation in terms of the Sustainable Capital of your organization. We set clear and measurable goals to improve each area.


Impact Strategies

We design personalized strategies for each capital, from Integrity and Sustainability to Communication and Reputation. We design detailed action plans with defined goals and deadlines.


Active Transformation

We support the implementation of the designed strategies, promoting the internalization of sustainability with management and control systems, facilitating adaptation to new challenges and good practices.

Benefits of Sustainable Organizations

By implementing the 6Cs of Sustainable Capital, your organization will experience a comprehensive vision of sustainability, addressing various dimensions of value and promoting benefits such as:

Sustainability Strategy: Sustainability must become an integral part of the business and provide real value.

Sustainability that Generates Value for the Business

Discover how sustainability is solidly integrated into your business strategy, creating value, driving growth, resilience and responsibility in your operation.

Comprehensive Reputation: One of the benefits of sustainable organizations is that their efforts are recognized by stakeholders and their communications are comprehensive, without fragmented information silos.

Comprehensive reputation

Consolidate your Success. Your achievements in various areas will be unified in a complete and positive picture of sustainability. Become an integral benchmark, transmitting trust and coherence in all aspects of your sustainable impact.

Resilient Operation: One of the benefits of sustainable organizations is that they become more resilient and adaptable to changes and social dynamics that could threaten their operation.

Resilient Operation

Strengthen your business by guaranteeing adaptability and risk management in the face of social, environmental, political, reputational and regulatory challenges. Comprehensive sustainability is the best armor for an operation.

Sustainable Profitability: One of the benefits of sustainable organizations is that they can generate and preserve greater value and profitability over time, since their focus on risk prevention makes them resilient and less subject to crises due to conflicts.

Sustainable Profitability

Promote responsible practices that position your organization as a sustainable leader, attracting aligned customers and partners and generating revenue in an increasingly aware and demanding market.


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Let's Talk

We believe in sustainability that goes beyond best practices: one that is integrated into the core of businesses and generates real value. Inspired by the 6Cs Model of Capital Sostenible, we view sustainability from a comprehensive perspective, where each component is essential to unlock the true potential of a company. This philosophy guides us in every project, ensuring that our solutions are holistic and transformative.


Panamá: Capital Sostenible tiene presencia en Centroamérica

Panama City, Vía Transístmica, Plaza Ágora Local 30.

Guatemala: Capital Sostenible tiene presencia en Centroamérica

7ave 14-95 Zone 10, Office 3F. Guatemala City.



© 2035 by Sustainable Capital

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